to all the dreamers, to the ones that feel there is more out there for you, this one is for you.

Creating the Bakery

recent podcast interview

Creating the BakeShell Story…

…was not a story I ever intended to create, even looking at the above picture I cannot believe I get to live this life, yet I know this is exactly where I belong.

“bringing cookie lovers together”

My story begins in 2019, when I decided to go gluten-free and vegan after realizing I was highly sensitive to gluten and dairy. For the most part it was an easy task but out of all the foods, the only food, I kept missing was of course, cookies.

Cookies have always been my thing, I was the child with an easy bake oven and as a teenager Netflix was always on a baking show.

My craving for cookies didn’t end, it actually sparked the challenge of finding the yummiest gluten-free and vegan cookies. I went to all my nearby markets and quickly realized the cookies were either too hard or too bland.

This is where my life took a gigantic turn,

because this would be the beginning of a beautiful curiosity that would change my life completely.

I always tell people that my cookies changed my life. Before creating my cookies, I was a lost soul but not like the super sad kind, just the ones that lived an okay average life. And let me just say, I was a happy 9-5er. I was so happy that I was at my job for 8 years before I decided to quit. Just for a little fun background history, I was a Team Supervisor for a Field Based Crisis Stabilization Program. My days were filled with solving other people’s lives while baking cookies was just a form of self-care and only for the weekends.

Learning how to bake was not easy and I’d never made cookies from scratch. Did you know there was actual science behind baking? I didn’t. However, I was on a mission and I wanted to make good tasting gluten-free and vegan cookies. I was baking so many cookies that I had to take cookies to friend gatherings, my neighbors, work, and give them out as gifts because I was baking all the time.

That quickly came to an end when the pandemic hit us around March 2020. And just like most, the pandemic was a difficult time for me. My feelings of “there must be something else out there for me” got stronger and I knew my job was not my path. In hopes of staying connected with friends, I did what I was doing and began gifting cookies to uplift everyone’s mood.

People began asking me if I sold cookies and if I had a menu….like what?

This is how BakeShell became a small business.

I had no idea what to do.

I was actually taken back that people were asking me about my cookies,

I mean they were just cookies… or at least I thought so.

I continued baking and expanding my baking skills and put together a cookie menu on a random day at 2 am. The demand grew and I began delivering throughout Los Angeles County.

But it didn’t end there, in 2021, I established loyal customers and I expanded by adding Gluten-Free and Vegan Cakes/Cupcakes to the menu. And once again, taught myself how to bake and decorate cakes/cupcakes through YouTube University!

Deciding to quit my job wasn’t easy, but the feeling I felt when I saw people taste my cookies and actually love them was a feeling I didn’t want to miss out on.

Bringing people together to share cookies and celebrate a special moment is exactly what I was meant to do, my path is BakeShell. After many back and forths with many excited yet fearful thoughts my love for cookies took over.

This is the moment I realized I could do something bigger than I ever envisioned.

This is the moment I decided to give my full heart to BakeShell.

— xoxo, The Cookie Queen

It’s Cookie time!

Try our Sample Box - pick 3 flavors and fall in love with Gluten-Free & Vegan